Chimehuin River

The Chimehuin begins at the mouth of Huechulafquen Lake, near the base of the Lanin Volcano. It runs for 30 miles until the junction with the Collon Cura River. Junin de los Andes city divides the river into the upper and lower sections. We fish the more productive lower section, which has a slower gradient, with willow lined banks, riffles and pools which create spectacular fly fishing conditions. The lower section has some of the most prolific mayfly and caddis hatches in Patagonia, and provides great hopper action in mid to late summer. Fish targeted are browns and rainbows in the 15 to 20 inch range with the possibility for larger fish. The majority of the lower section is restricted access. Andes Drifters has permission from the various ranch owners to wade and float these private access waters.